This is the personal website of Chris Broekema. I am a research staff member at ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, focusing on designing and building efficient and sustainable data-transport and data-processing infrastructures for radio telescopes.
Scientific publications
Pre-print publications
Peer-reviewed journal publications
Peer-reviewed conference articles
Student projects
While this page is not guaranteed to be current, here are some projects that I’ve written and may be of interest to prospective students. If interested, contact me at broekema<at>
Using Large Language Models to port GPU code from Cuda to HIP
Neuromorphic correlator and beamformer
Rethinking the Fourier transform in radio telescopes — refraction
Analogue neuromorphic computing for radio astronomy front-end signal processing – in progress
RFI monitoring with low-end AI-hardware – in progress
CWL to Dask code to code compiler – in progress
Making data-intensive science sustainable – incentivizing stakeholders – Finished: BSc thesis by Rik van den Top
Curriculum vitae
Chris Broekema is a senior research staff member at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy since 2003. Over the years he has focused most of his work on compute- and data transport hardware design for radio astronomy. He has designed, built, procured, operated and worked on high-performance computing systems for the LOFAR telescope in the Netherlands, including some of the fastest supercomputers in the world at the time, since 2004. More recently his focus shifted to the computational and data-transport challenges in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), where he was responsible for the hardware platform design of the SKA Science Data Processor (SDP).
To support this work he has done applied research into compute- and data-transport systems. His focus is on the various system aspects that impact the sustainability, suitability and usability of current and emerging compute- and data-transport systems. He has published extensively and defended his PhD thesis on the subject in 2020. He served in various panels and review committees, most notably for the ASKAP science data processor and the ARTS system, and has presented his work numerous times, both nationally and internationally.
broekema <at> astron <dot> nl